Graduate Employers

Edel Walsh is dedicated to empowering graduate employees to excel in their careers and achieve their full potential. Her comprehensive coaching and consulting services are tailored to meet the unique needs of graduate employers them support their employees in their professional growth and exam success.

Edel specialises in working with professional services firms.


Exam Preparation & Support

Edel understands the challenges that graduate employees face when preparing for professional exams. Edel’s exam preparation services are designed to alleviate stress and enhance performance.

Exam Mastery Workshops

This is an interactive workshop series focused on effective study techniques, time management, and exam strategies. Workshops include:

  • Mastering Learning and Study Techniques for Success
  • Balancing the Ledger: Navigating Work and Professional Exams
  • Mindset Mastery: Empowering Students for Success
  • Tackling Exam Pressure and Stress
  • Study Leave Success
  • Bouncing Back: Overcoming Exam Failure

Click here to request a brochure for full details

Edel also has designed a workshop to support performance managers support their team who are doing exams. For more information, click here

Exam Success Analysis

Are you dissatisfied with the exam pass rates in your firm? Edel offers an “Exam Success Analysis” service whereby she carries out investigative work to ascertain the reasons for the lower-than-expected pass rates within the firm. She provides a report of her findings and recommendations.  

One-on-One Coaching

Personalized coaching sessions to address individual learning styles, overcome exam anxiety, and build confidence. 

Career Development Coaching

Supporting graduate employees in their career progression is crucial for their long-term success and retention. 

Career Planning Sessions

Tailored sessions to help employees set and achieve career goals, identify strengths, and develop professional skills. 

One-to-One Coaching

Personalized coaching sessions to address career goals and aspirations. 

Workshops & Webinars

Edel has a designed a workshop called “Career Planning for Exam Qualified Accountancy and Tax Professionals”. This workshop is designed to support those people navigate their careers after getting their professional qualification.

Mental Health & Well-being

Promoting the mental health and well-being of your employees is essential for a productive and positive work environment. 

Well-being Workshops

Sessions that focus on stress management, resilience building, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

Self-Care Strategies

Practical advice and techniques for employees to manage their mental health and well-being effectively. 

Confidential Support Services

Access to one-to-one coaching support for employees struggling with stress, anxiety, or other mental health challenges. 

Customized Graduate Induction and Training Programs

Edel’s comprehensive induction and training workshops are designed to provide recent graduates with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in the world of professional services. From honing essential workplace skills, to prioritising their well-being to networking effectively, her courses offer a holistic approach to preparing graduates for success.

Click here if you would like to request a brochure.

Edel also carries out reviews and analysis of a company’s existing graduate induction and training programs. The firm will be provided with findings and recommendations for improvement after the review.

Why Choose Edel Walsh Coaching and Consulting?

Expertise and Experience:

With extensive experience in education, coaching, and the accounting industry, Edel Walsh brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her coaching and consulting services.

Personalised Approach:

Edel tailors her services to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring effective and impactful results. 

Commitment to Success:

Her goal is to empower your graduate employees to achieve their full potential and contribute to the success of your organisation. 

Empower your graduate employees with the tools, skills, and support they need to excel.

Partner with Edel Walsh and invest in the future success of your organisation.

Let's Talk!

To find out more about our services, why not book a free 30-minute call?