Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough, despite evidence of your accomplishments and abilities? You’re not alone. Many high-achieving individuals experience imposter syndrome, a phenomenon where they doubt their skills, fear being exposed as a fraud,...
Understanding Academic Burnout

Understanding Academic Burnout

Since the Covid pandemic, we are hearing and talking more about people suffering with workplace burnout. In my own coaching practice, I am seeing the rise of academic burnout which is not something that is commonly talked about. The purpose of this article is to bring...
Dealing with the unexpected during an exam

Dealing with the unexpected during an exam

Exam success has a lot to do with you how you deal with an unexpected curve ball an exam paper can throw at you. “What if there is a question I don’t know how to answer”. “What if something I haven’t studied comes up”. Your own curve balls might also show up on the...