Where is your Goldilocks Zone?

Where is your Goldilocks Zone?

Where is your Goldilocks Zone? Do you know where your goldilocks zone is when it comes to learning? Your goldilocks zone is the “sweet spot” when it comes to learning. Your learning task is not too hard, it is not too easy, it is “just right”. Just like the fairytale...
How to Approach a Repeat Exam

How to Approach a Repeat Exam

Firstly, I want to say, failing an exam is hard. Give yourself some time to process it and recover before thinking about the repeat exam. When you feel ready to tackle your study again, know that you are brave and courageous. It is hard to tackle an exam for the...
Mindset for Study and Exams

Mindset for Study and Exams

I want you to answer this question. What thoughts and feelings do you experience when you are sitting down to study and preparing for an exam? What mindset or head space do you find yourself in? For some, you might feel excited, motivated, empowered. If that is the...